Making History One Voyage at a Time

Is Dianabol Legal or Banned?

Is Your Dianabol Containing Methandrostelolone (Banned Dianabol)? Methandrostenolone is the main ingredient in banned Dianabol (or Dbol as it's more commonly called). Its chemical composition makes it illegal as the "granddaddy" of anabolic steroids.

Methandrostenolone, a harsh anabolic medication, has many side effects known to the human body, says JBHNews.


* Gynecomastia, or male breast enlargement. Dianabol aromatizes testosterone, converting it into estrogen. The body produces more estrogen.

The sensitivity of male breasts can be so severe that it is necessary to have their mammary glands removed bilaterally from their pecs in order to manage the pain.


* Generalized organ stress (including the heart and other vital organs). Another side effect of increased estrogen and lowered testosterone levels is excess water retention.


* High blood pressure. High blood pressure can be life-threatening in people who have high blood pressure.


* Low cholesterol levels. One of the side effects is an increase in "bad" cholesterol.


* Liver dysfunction and/or failure. Permanent damage to the liver or death. Dianabol, an oral anabolic steroids, is more toxic than other liver-toxic products on the market.


* Testosterone suppression. * Testosterone suppression. Based on the usual indicators, there is almost certainly an exogenous testosterone therapy needed.

Methandrostenolone Is Both Illegal and Unsafe

Do you know is dianabol legal? COTLAND'S most prominent doctor advised young men to be careful or risk their lives.

Dr Catherine Calderwood expressed concern at the growing number of image-obsessed males who are using powerful anabolic steroids to bulk up their bodies. We now turn to unlicensed hormones and controversial drugs.

Most users aren't cheating their way into glory. However, instead most young men injecting dangerous bootleg substances for cosmetic purposes.

Because most steroids found on the black market are made in underground labs, according to health watchdogs. They are sold by unscrupulous dealers, and online.

Users can also inject fake human growth hormone (HGH) or GHRP6. An injectable drug that increases natural growth hormone levels.

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